Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Jane Eyre

It's been a while since I've posted and feels great to write something again (technically writing, actually typing).

So I still have this obsession with the book I'm reading. I am halfway through Jane Eyre, and I just absolutely love it, it's ineffable how much I love this book. Charlotte Bronte has not disappointed me at all throughout the whole entire book (not a single time). Since the very first word I read, I fell in love immediately. They say love at first sight isn't real and that true love doesn't exist either. Well, they're mistaken. I can not put this book down and each day, I always look forward to reading it (even though there is a plethora of vocabulary I do not know and have to look up in the dictionary every few seconds).

You don't need a huge amount of vocabulary to understand what's going on in the book. You can get the general picture. And the way that Bronte writes is so fascinating and alluring. I can't, I just can't. It's such a beautiful book. I wish I understood every single one of the words I come across.

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